About - Dalisia Coppersmith

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Dalisia Coppersmith, MS, MDiv, CCP

Executive Wellness Coach | Diversity Speaker | Depth Hypnosis Counselor | Author  

Pleased to meet you! I founded Strong Women Rising and Revive Learning and Wellness to restore the women who I believe can change our world. I specialize in dissolving unconscious resistance to women’s leadership and elevating inclusive leaders and organizations. Please read on to learn more and to connect.

Book a call to learn more or to get started today!

My Story…

Perhaps like you, I’ve always been the strong one in the bunch, wherever I landed–whether in a classroom, in the military, in relationships, or in my career. I spent decades learning to soften and adjust for others–to the point of almost losing my true self.

I chose to stop that spiral and regain my unique identity by exploring the roots of resistance to female leadership and sharing how we can overcome it to change our world for the better. My work clarifies what’s really going on behind people’s labels and isolation of assertive women who lead.

I’m also a wife, mother, veteran, and adoring dog mom who loves trekking across the Mojave Desert with a good podcast that expands my heart and my mind. Get in touch if you’d like to work with me!

Book a Call with Dalisia

“Many of my coaching clients are assertive, high-achieving women who face the same resistance that I do every day. When I hit a nerve with them—in a good way—it shows me just how isolated they feel and how deeply they long to be understood and accepted in this world.”

—Dalisia Coppersmith

My Mission

My work is a one-woman movement to end the timeless, quiet war against assertive, high-achieving women. I believe that every global and local crisis could be solved by restoring women to their rightful place of co-leadership and authority in our world. My contribution to making that happen includes: Speaking, Coaching, Courses, and Special Events curated just for you.

When the world constantly tells us we are too this, not enough that, far too outspoken, direct, driven, etc., we start to believe it! We begin apologizing for ourselves, bending and contorting to change for others just to earn their acceptance…and it’s never enough. What results is a diminished sense of who we are, a muting of our life force and depletion of our joy and energy.

My goal is simple, but daunting: to inspire organizations, communities, and families to embrace the talents and leadership of the very women whose wisdom and courage can transform our world. We can dissolve resistance to female leadership one story, one mind, at a time.

Dalisia’s Credentials

Certified Executive Coach

(College of Executive Coaching)

Certified Coach Practitioner

(Certified Coaches Federation)

Master of Divinity in Chaplaincy
& Pastoral Counseling

The Art of Coaching

(NTL Institute)

Coaching for Improved Performance

(NTL Institute)

The Leader as Coach Intensive

(Bluepoint Leadership)

Coppersmith Consulting Group, LLC and the Strong Women Rising brand are a woman-owned and service-disabled veteran owned small business in California. We are proud to support inclusive organizations and people from all walks of life. Please reach out if we can help you achieve your personal or organizational goals.